Mobility Program and Specialization
English Department has participated in the Mobility Program, the internal (in the University) and the external (in other Universities) programs. Both are covered in the Fifth and Sixth Semester of the OBE Curriculum of the English Department. The courses designed in the previously mentioned semesters are skills enhancement courses expected to support core competencies specified in the curriculum of the English Department.
For the external MBKM framework, students can select courses in other Universities that can support their interests and skills to improve their core competence. Other external programs participated by the English Department are (1) MSIB (Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat—Certified Internship and Independent Study), (2) IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Award, and (3) KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata—Community Service Program).
Additionally, the courses in the internal MBKM framework (in other Departments in UNIKOM) are marked by an asterisk and provided with additional information as Elective/Specialized Courses. Within this framework, students can select courses provided in the English Department curriculum in other Departments at UNIKOM. The provision of these courses in the curriculum aims at improving students’ core competencies. Therefore, the core competencies are still achievable whenever students participate in either program.
The following is an illustration of the Internal MBKM Framework that synergises with the Program in the MBKM OBE 2021 Curriculum of the English Department:
Specialisation 1 (English for Professional Industry) EfPI focuses explicitly on developing receptive and productive skills to meet communication needs within a particular industry or profession. | ||
Elective Course in the Fifth Semester | Elective Course in the Sixth Semester | Elective Course in the Sixth Semester for Both Specialisations |
Kode: 37199 (3 SKS) Pengantar Penerjemahan Karya Sastra Introduction to Literary Translation | Kode: 37201 (3 SKS) Penerjemahan Karya Sastra Literary Translation | Kode: 37069 (3 SKS) Berbicara di Depan Umum Public Speaking |
Kode: 37192 (3 SKS) Penerjemahan Lisan Interpreting | ||
Kode: 37232 (3 SKS) Prinsip dan Metode Pengajaran Teaching Principles and Method | Kode: 37233 (3 SKS) Pengajaran: Manajemen Kelas Teaching: Classroom Management | |
Specialisation 2 (English in Creative Media) EiCM is precisely centred on the development of English language skills integrated with the utilisation of media within the creative industry. It aims to enhance the English language skills required to produce, promote, and distribute creative works. | ||
Elective Course in the Fifth Semester | Elective Course in the Sixth Semester | Elective Course in the Sixth Semester for Both Specialisations |
Kode: 37186 (3 SKS) Drama Play | Kode: 37198 (3 SKS) Produksi Sastra Literary Production | Kode: 37069 (3 SKS) Berbicara di Depan Umum Public Speaking |
Kode: 18123 (3 SKS) Komunikasi Pemasaran* Marketing Communication *MBKM Program in the University at Communication Science Department | Kode: 19097 (3 SKS) Animasi dan Multimedia Dasar (3D Lanjut)* Basic Multimedia and Animation (3D Advance) *MBKM Program in the University at the Department of Visual Communication Design | |
Kode: 01056 (3 SKS) Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer* Human and Computer Interaction *MBKM Program in the University at Informatics Engineering Department |